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Еднофазна високочестотна BWT220V/48-80AS превключващо захранване
telecom rectifier 48v rectifier system for telecom
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BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, a new generation “Green & Energy Saving” system,

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Еднофазна високочестотна BWT220V/48-80AS превключващо захранване

BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, a new generation “Green & Energy Saving” system, aiming at outdoor low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, meeting the trend of Telecom base station development, saving construction cost and shortening time. The system is highly adaptable with environment, features with wide operating temperature range, meeting the demand of high level users.


Power System Composition
Item Описание Note
Controller M30.1.2V 1 pc
Rectifier BR241800 2pc
Distribution Unit Ac Вход: 220Ваку
DC Load distribution: 135A×3 Rail-mount Terminal
Battery distribution:135A×1 Rail-mount Terminal



Monitors the power system operating status in real time ;

Detects and reports alarms in real time l

Supports multiple remote management modes.

Supports flexible rectifier management. l

Supports effective energy conservation management. l

Supports comprehensive battery management. l

Supports intelligent temperature control management. l

Supports flexible and programmable logic control.

Supports detailed data records and performance statistics

Supports Control the voltage, current, boost and float status of rectifier module;

Supports Dry Contact ,Modbus RTU Rs232&485,SNMP V2C ,V3 , HTTP WEB

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switching power supply
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